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Luton Sixth Form

Health and Social Care (BTEC Level 2) 

Why Study Health and Social Care?

This course will allow you to study a range of health, early years and social care issues. It is a varied and interesting subject to study which would give you a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for employment or further study. You will learn about the importance of treating people equally and the legislation and rights underpinning service provision. 

You will also learn about people, how they grow and develop and study aspects that influence this, including health education.

Entry Requirements

You must have at least three grade 3s and one grade 2 at GCSE, which must include English Language. We accept Passes in Level 2 BTEC or OCR qualifications as worth up to two GCSE grade 3s each.

The Course

Students will have the opportunity to develop skills, such as in communication, and put these into practice during work placement. This practical experience will prove invaluable whether you go straight into employment or choose to move onto further study. It will also allow you to experience different client groups and settings such as childcare, elderly or people with learning disabilities in community settings.

Course Activities

Students learn through a variety of activities. Real-life case studies will be used to examine issues around care. Students are encouraged to discuss and share views in small groups. Research will involve studying current documents such as equality legislation. There are some practical elements including the placement, communication tasks and presentations. We recommend that you devote 4.5 hours of private study time per week to this subject.

Career and Progression Opportunities

Many Health & Social Care students progress to careers in nursing, social work, health management or allied medical careers such as dietetics, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy or public services such as the police. Career progression may be via further study at BTEC Level 3 or through an apprenticeship scheme. Some students may go straight to a career within the care sector. Health & Social Care offers very diverse career structures and opportunities in a field which can only keep expanding with the ever-increasing needs of the growing population.

Course Structure and Assessment

This course comprises seven units in total studied over one year, which are assessed by a mixture of both coursework and exams. This may include written assignments or practical tasks such as discussions or presentations.

These include a unit on professional development which includes more than 50 hours of work placement in a setting which you will chose yourself, plus preparation for employment or future study. This opportunity will provide a good insight into careers and opportunities you may be considering.

Assessment Units

  • Unit 2 Care Values
  • Unit 5 Health Promotion
  • Unit 3 Effective Communication in Health and Social care
  • Unit 12 Creative and Therapeutic Activities
  • Unit 7 Equality and Diversity

Examined Units

  • Unit 9 Healthy Living
  • Unit 1 Human lifespan development

Additional Information

Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel


Case Study