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Luton Sixth Form

Studying at LSFC

There’s always something extra to get involved with at LSFC, above and beyond your studies!

As well as being lots of fun and a great way to meet new people, taking part in some of the extra opportunities we offer will help you develop really important employability and essential life skills. Try something new, step out of your comfort zone and be curious! No matter what your interests, we’re sure there will be something exciting for you to get involved with! 

Activities range from trips, both in the UK and abroad, to fundraising for a range of national and local charities. We plan many events to celebrate diversity and mark awareness and we invite an exciting array of speakers into College regularly and often host political debates too.

You may wish to be part of our Interfaith panel discussions or our Debating society. Alternatively, you could be a member of the Student Council, representing student views, as the face of the College.

We have a long established LGBT + group and an Eco Committee set up to focus on how LSFC students can ensure the College works within our sustainability pledge.

We also offer students an Equality and Diversity course to allow for a growth in their knowledge of this area and to instil a mindset of opportunity for all. These are important parts of the inclusive ethos of LSFC.

A huge range of sporting opportunities are on offer and we are the largest provider of the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award in the area.

All of these opportunities are open to all students and greatly enhance their experience of LSFC life!


Fancy a sneak- peak? Click on the link to see a tour of our building: https://mkguitartuition.com/lutonsixthform/